
Monday, 13 November 2017

Creation in Verse - the Zen Guy

The Paradox of Choice 

by the Zen Guy

From the flighty temptress of adventure
to the stubborn mistress of fate, let us rejoice!
For this mistress shall not leave you, in fact, she haunts.
The wise men of wisdom, sitting high on the rock of solitude
Peer into the crevices of an ancient and forgotten cave called fortitude.
Through the cracks of the mundane world, talent shines like sunlight bright ,
 fleeting yet resplendent in its might
Despite us all bathing in that divine light
Oh! frivolous hearts, we grasp  at everything and attain but wisps
for choice is immortal , infinite
And we live within the limits.
The endless paradox remains
Whether choices make us or we make the choices.
Destiny awaits with solemn eyes, Death stifles our voices
and above them all Time sits upon its frozen stone
Frozen by the stillness of inaction and fear.
But come morn,
A silent voice whispers "eppur si muove ".

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Nicely done... love the thought and absolutely love the end ...


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