
Monday, 22 February 2016

Biology - Class VIII- Adventitious Roots

Dear Children,
The Sundarbans is a cluster of low-lying islands in the Bay of Bengal, spread across India and Bangladesh, famous for its unique mangrove forests. This active delta region is among the largest in the world,measuring about 40,000 sq km. 
Here are a few snapshots I took in the Sundarbans of India on my recent visit there.

The first three photos are of pneumatophores- respiratory roots, an adaptation in plants growing near seas or estuaries where the soil has high saline content, limited oxygen andthe place receives heavy rainfall as well as intense sunlight . The Sundarbans is one such place in India where such mangrove forests are dense. In order to respire, the roots apart from its usual function of drawing water and minerals from the soil , breathe by taking in oxygen from the air above the soil.

The last photo is of an handmade boat ( called ' launch' in local language) which is a substitute of an indigenous cruise, adventurous nonetheless where you can be merry spending the whole day eating,sleeping and enjoying a lazy ride on the five rivers meeting the sea- The Bay of Bengal. The only word of caution is that it doesn't catch the fancy of the Panthera tigris!

Hope you enjoyed catching a glimpse of the Sundarbans!
Megha Ma'am

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