Well, much has been said about keeping sane and stress- free during exam time and most of it is true. Only, all of it is easier said than done.
Keeping calm is more about having an attitude to do so than just a statement badge.
So - whatever the situation - an examination or a speech or performance - if you have it in you to be calm in the face of it you will.
And for now-
taking control of their study schedule, students can significantly
reduce their exam stress. Controlling their thought process and inner
dialogue, taking a moment to breathe and getting enough sleep are the
keys to a stress-free exam period. - See more at:
control of their study schedule, students can significantly reduce
their exam stress. Controlling their thought process and inner dialogue,
taking a moment to breathe and getting enough sleep are the keys to a
stress-free exam period. - See more at:
Take control of your study schedule
Control your thought process and inner dialogue
Get enough sleep
Take a moment to breathe
Be realistic
Get some exercise
Before you know it, you'll be in great shape to go! Just remember- this exam is only a way to know how much you've learnt and how well.
All the best!
control of their study schedule, students can significantly reduce
their exam stress. Controlling their thought process and inner dialogue,
taking a moment to breathe and getting enough sleep are the keys to a
stress-free exam period. - See more at:
control of their study schedule, students can significantly reduce
their exam stress. Controlling their thought process and inner dialogue,
taking a moment to breathe and getting enough sleep are the keys to a
stress-free exam period. - See more at: